The pharmaceutical collection in Sighișoara

The items in the pharmaceutical collection of the History Museum in Sighișoara are impressive, though not the same can be said about their display. Some of the artifacts (out of the much more numerous collection) are exhibited in one of the floors of the museum in the medieval Clock Tower. One can inspect apothecary painted furniture, drug jars and boxes, but also medical and especially surgical tools, books, weights, diplomas and other patrimony goods related especially to the local history of pharmacy. Though the exhibition awaits a much needed remake, the items on display have been recently published in Veress László’s book entitked, Népgyógyászat és hivatalos orvoslás határán. Segesvár gyógyszerészet-történeti, Stúdium, 2021 [On the verge of folk and official medicine. The pharmaceutical history of Sighișoara].