Conservation analysis

Dr. Márta Guttmann and Ioana Cova, the conservation specialists involved in our project, have recently assessed the 18th-century apothecary chest that will provide most of our materia medica samples for analysis. On that occasion they have established the appropriate methods to proceed without damaging the containers and their covers and which sample to send to chemical analysis laboratories in Cluj and which in Pisa. Our specialists have also managed to open compartments previously stuck, thus revealing the absence of several paper envelopes for materia medica visible in a 1918 published photograph of the artifact (r. Orient Gyula, Az Erdélyi Nemzeti Múzeum keretében felállított gyógyszerészeti múzeum, în Dolgozatok az Erdélyi Nemzeti Múzeum érem- és régiségtárából. IX, 1918, p. 260, fig. 37).